एक खुशहाल जीवन को जीने के लिए हमारी life में समय के साथ बदलाव होना बहुत ही जरुरी है अब चाहे वो बदलाव हमारी जीवनशैली का हो या फिर वो बदलाव हमारे विचारो का हो क्योकि बदलाव इस दुनिया की…
Browsing: Motivation
We all want motivation in our life. Because we all have goals in life. So we want it to archive our goal. Tough times come into every ones life. No matter how rich or not! So all have something to Handel this tough time. Just not only in this case, we all have motivation in every aspects of our life.
This gives you hope that you can do it! You can archive it! You will be successful. It converts all type of negativity into your fuel that help you to archive! This is the food of your mind. It’s positive vibes. It gives positive vibrations that also very useful for your life and goals. Our goal is to stay motivated always. This also helps in self-improvement. Because if you want to be successful in your life so you have to improve always. So we will give you very important tips for self-improvements that give you inner strength. You make your personality very strong by this. So this category gives you motivation for your goals, life, success and bounce back from your failures. This also gives you inspiration for what you want.
Best Failure to Success Story In Hindi जब भी हम किसी भी काम की शुरुआत करते है तो हमको पता नहीं होता है कि उस काम को किस तरह से किया जाता है इसलिए हम उस काम में बार-बार fail…
Success Mantra In Hindi जीवन का सबसे दुःख भरा अनुभव किसी को ये कहते हुए सुनना है कि काश मैं उसकी तरह बन पाता,उसकी तरह बोल पाता और उसकी तरह अपनी जिंदगी को जी पाता तो मैं कितना खुश रहता।…
जब हमे कोई रास्ता नहीं दिखाई देता तो भगवान कोई-न -कोई रास्ता जरूर दिखा देता हैं और हमे निश्चय करके उस रास्ते पर चलना चाहिए रास्ता खुद पे खुद आसान हो जायेगा और हम अपनी मंजिल पर पहुंच जायेगे God…
Successful Business Women Story In Hindi आईये, हम आपको 100 साल की दादीमाँ की कहानी सुनाते है , केरल के त्रिशूर के वडक्कानचेरी में साल 1920 में जन्मी पद्मावती (पद्म) नायर, जो कि अब 100 साल की हो चुकी हैं…
What’s up, guys!! Now in my own life here. Really I think that designing your life and making go forward in the direction. You wanted to go forward has three parts. The very first part is design. The second part…
Who is Ravi Dubey? Ravi Dubey is an Actor, Writer, Producer and as well as Achor. He began his television career since 2006. He is a very great personality now. He has acted in many television shows. He has also…
You can read and listen very motivational speech for youth by Ritika Singh. This is a very inspirational speech. Who is Ritika Singh? Ritika Singh is an actress and mixed martial arts artist. She appeared in many south Indian films.…