Hello! Today, I am going to talk about very effective strategies. These all are based on Indian markets. Because every market has different needs. So we have to use different strategies according to different markets. So we will learn the best marketing strategies for India. In India, we know that India has diversity everywhere. That’s why we need to understand the most important and unique strategies. Let’s get started! And understand which are the best 5 types of strategies in marketing.

Marketing strategy: 1 Power Of Unlimited
So let’s understand Top 5 types of marketing strategies. First of all, we’ll talk about the Power of unlimited. Maybe you haven’t heard about this strategy. You may have heard Unlimited food (buffet) or Unlimited cold drinks or dash for dash. So what’s the strategy behind unlimited.
Unlimited strategy is one of the best types of strategies in marketing. And you should apply this in your business too.
What is this strategy?
I saw a video on Youtube last week. There was this person who sells Golgappe at 80rs. (Unlimited) Let’s take an example in your locality, how much golgappe cost? maximum to maximum cost of golgappe. Let’s say 1 rs. So you gave a person unlimited golgappe at 80rs. How much can he eat? Some people will say I can eat 80. Those who are saying 80, go and try. (They are lying) So 100 golgappe is impossible. So that person who sells golgappe at 80rs will always be in profit. Let’s say a person can eat 100 rs (just assume) But that’ll be 1 in 100 people(rare) or 1 in 500. So chances are that people will be fascinated by the unlimited offer. They can eat not more than 10-15. Then game over. It’s the real strategy of Power Of Unlimited.

(1) First and important benefits of this is you’ll always be profitable.
(2) Biggest advantage of this offer? word-of-mouth publicity. If and only if your product is hygienic and tasty. So people do free marketing for you. About this shop’s unlimited offer. It can be the talk of the town. In this Youtube arena, people are uploading food-related videos. It’s helpful for free marketing.
(3) The best thing about this is free publicity. What could be better than this? Free publicity! People are influencing each other that you should try their golgappe in Free. They’re visiting their place and making videos. And Uploading your food review on social media is free. Your traffic is increasing and at what cost? Now Profitable business and word-of-mouth publicity.
(4) By this strategy you won’t become a competitor, you’ll become a good competition for everyone.
(5) This doesn’t apply to only food. If you are selling anything, whether a product/service. Make unlimited offers in them too. And if you know that there exist 4 people in a house. You can create monthly plans for their food. You need to give us this specific amount.

This is a good strategy if used well. It can be used in many ways. Because people are not working on it. You should try this offer once. Try this strategy for 2 months. I hope it will helpful for your business.

Marketing Strategy: 2 Shotgun marketing
Now, we’ll talk about Shotgun Marketing. Maybe you might have heard of this marketing and for some, this must be new. Some may have heard of this for the first time.
Shotgun marketing is a type of mass marketing. Where we target audience in a wide area. And showing the ad to a large population. This is called Shotgun marketing. Just like a shotgun in video games Shotgun fires bullets into many pellets and bullet hits many people. Likewise, if we run a marketing campaign in a way where we target a large population. This means it includes people out of our target audience.
What is Shotgun marketing?
Shotgun marketing is a type of mass marketing. Where we target audience in a wide area. And showing the ad to a large population. This is called Shotgun marketing. Just like a shotgun in video games Shotgun fires bullets into many pellets and bullet hits many people. Likewise, if we run a marketing campaign in a way where we target a large population. This means it includes people out of our target audience.
So it sounds silly, right? Why would anyone do it? Because nowadays the target audience is a must who’ll buy my product. I’ll show my ad to them only right! Now, what happens? Many brands face issues in identifying their target audience in differentiating them. So we will see shotgun marketing strategies examples.
Some examples of this marketing strategies
1. First example is Coca Cola. Who will drink coca-cola? Boy or a girl? Which age group? They don’t know. Here only mass marketing will work. So here they use shotgun marketing.
2. There’s a salon. Big lavish salon in your locality. Now, who will come? People of your locality right? Now rich or middle-class people? Or below middle class? Don’t know Girl or a boy? Can be both. Do they have any specific genre? Don’t know? So what do they do? They print pamphlets and get it distributed in that locality. So what happens? Everyone gets the pamphlets in those newspapers. And then they get to know about the pamphlets. One more way people deliberately put the pamphlets inside your house. That is a part of shotgun marketing.
Why do we use? & Who can use it?
Now, why are they doing it? What’s the benefit? We have digital marketing nowadays. Shotgun marketing is a significant technique too in many situations.
First is where you need to target a different type of audience. And we don’t know either like haircut is for both girls and boys. Different campaigns for girls and boys. Expenses will be high in this case.
So what do they do? They show it to everyone. Whosoever wants to buy, they’ll. The second thing is that people don’t know about their target audience.
Let’s say. I am making a product (spoon) which will be edible. You can eat the spoon too. Now, who will buy this? Restaurants? Upper-middle-class people? Male or female? Maybe female. Maybe male to gift his wife. A foody person too? Now a lot of people.
How I do Shotgun marketing?
(1) I try to target all the existing audience. For example, I want to promote this in the whole market. Through Facebook ads, banners, newspapers and other mediums of marketing.
(2) So people who will see my ad or engage. I’ll put them in 1st level of marketing. People who will engage. It means they are my relatable audience. So I will get data from my target audience.
(3) I’ll show them the ad again and give them a special coupon. Some special offers for them. Now, if they will have seen our ads twice and the third time. He gets a discount coupon. And ultimately we will get conversion. We got successful conversions by giving these type of coupons and many more. This is the benefit of Shotgun marketing.
We can understand by this data that who is our actual target audience? That will help in our business.
In starting when you don’t know much about the target audience. Then we’ve used shotgun marketing. I think this is not only the best strategy. But these all are the best types of marketing strategies in marketing. You should apply once.

Marketing Strategy: 3 Push and Pull Marketing Strategy
We’ll talk about Push and Pull Marketing Strategy. We’ll discuss this in detail.
Push means you are forcing your consumer to buy your product.
Pull means I presented my product in such a way that my consumer gets attracted towards me.
Push Marketing Example
Now how does it happen? I’ll give you some examples. For example, BBK Electronics. Whole company. All their product lines in different categories. Now talking about Push Vivo or Oppo. If you go to buy a phone from a retailer shop. And you wish to buy Samsung. The sales guy will manipulate you to buy oppo, Vivo phones. Why are they doing this? Because they’re getting high-profit margins. So the retailer sees a high margin somewhere. They would push/force you to buy Vivo/Oppo. Push means try to sell. This is a simple example of a Pull strategy.
Pull Marketing Example
Now let’s take again an example of BBK Electronics. There are 2 brands under BBK Electronics: 1- Oneplus 2- Realme. Now both work on Pull strategy. They never push/force people to buy their products.
Now should we always use Pull strategy?
If some big companies are using Pull, then it doesn’t mean it is the best strategy. No! For some products, we’ve use Push Strategy. Let’s say there’s a new product and let’s say the price of the product is very low Let’s say 100 rs. Now 100 rs item. If they use you to buy, their chances of conversion are high. If I try to sell my 40,000 worth product by forcing/pushing you it’ll affect my brand image.
So push strategy works in cheap products. You can use push strategy there. But for costly products, so you should use Pull strategy. You can force/push. But it’s not good for the long term.
Now in pull strategy,
We did research first. For example, any digital marketing institute. We got to know that this is some institute. We looked at their curriculum. We understand all the key points. We read their reviews. Now in Pull strategy, we got to know about the Institute. Now we did more research on Institute their reviews, website. Their competitor. And their reviews as well. Their modules. Ultimately, we decided that conversion was successful. In Pull strategy, there’s no guarantee that person will be taken your product or not. If your product is best only then. You’ll be able to convert them.
But in Push strategy,
If your product is good or not. You can manipulate them to buy your product.
Please, I repeat use it at low-cost. If a person needs the product on the same day, then you can push.
But for some products, research is involved. Then you can use Pull strategy so for a new brand.
What should they do? Push/Pull?
If some big companies are using Pull, then it doesn’t mean it is the best strategy. No! For some products, we’ve use Push Strategy. Let’s say there’s a new product and let’s say the price of the product is very low Let’s say 100 rs. Now 100 rs item. If they use you to buy, their chances of conversion are high. If I try to sell my 40,000 worth product by forcing/pushing you it’ll affect my brand image.
When the price is low you can use a push strategy. Pull strategy for expensive products. If I am working on cost leadership. If I provide the cheapest product in the market. If I push then also my product will sell. Even if I don’t force/push them, they’ll still buy it because of the low price. Because the product is cheap in the market.
So for a big brand like apple, they have huge brand equity in the market. They don’t need to manipulate people to buy their products. But for a new brand and nobody knows anything about it. There initially you need to push.
For example, when Mccain(snacks) was launched. When we used to visit big bazaar. We used to get a chance to eat it for free in its initial stage. Veeba sauces. Fun food sauces in the release of these sauces, they provided for free. With Mccain combination of both McCain and verbal proved to be beneficial for them. If we liked its taste, we may buy it.
One more question, Can we use both strategies? Push and Pull both? So the answer is Yes, we can. Now we understood the top 3 types of strategies in marketing.

Marketing Strategy: 4 Evangelism Marketing
In today’s scenario, Marketing has become a gameof money. You have to spend money on marketing. If I tell you a way of marketing where you are not spending money on it. Your customer is doing the marketing through word-of-mouth. He is being your brand advocate. Telling other people about your product and it’s an amazing product. What can be better than this? We will talk about Evangelism marketing.
What is Evangelism marketing?
It’s a kind of word-of-mouth marketing. I’ll give you many examples. What happened here? We motivated our customer, or we gave him good service. That he is telling people of his circle about our product. That’s it.
Now, who are evangelist those who loved our services? What do we do? There are many ways of doing evangelism marketing. We can make an evangelist by giving some free services. It creates trust in your brand.
Here if I am making free videos on Youtube in any paid services. You’ll feel like this person is genuine. Later, I’ll bring my paid product. Then you’ll market that too. If I’m selling my paid services to you. My services were so good. You’ll tell other people about it too. And ultimately my PR (Public Relations) is increasing. More sales. Now here you became my evangelist. I’ll give you a commission on every sale. I’ll offer you the commission for reference. Here, you are a type of evangelist. You are promoting my product. Which ultimately increases my sale.
Best Example of Evangelism marketing
OnePlus. What did they do? They targeted all the people in the education field. They gave them a proposal that they’ll choose a person from their college/school. Who will be our brand representative? And that person will get our free phone. He needs to do our branding in that college. Now their product is awesome. And that person got it for free. He is happy about it. He’ll tell his friends about it. In his surrounding too and side by side. You’ll get to know this that Oneplus gives free phone to their brand representative. And in the future, you’ll try to enroll too.
Subconsciously, they will improve the brand. The product and price are good. If you do further research that this product is outstanding. This is the most recent example of Evangelism Marketing as far as I remember.
How can we create an evangelist?
Now you think what you can do in your brand. That can create an evangelist for your brand. That will help in your marketing. This is simply word-of-mouth seems easy. But to create word-of-mouth. It’s difficult though your services should be good. Something that makes you unique.
Now in this marketing strategy has a benefit. (Big one) Conversion rate is high. Suppose there’s a student of any Institute and he liked their course. He got a good job, or he expanded his business. He becomes rich. Would he share this with his friends? Yes of course. That he should join this Institute. This will change your life. If he has a younger brother. He’ll make him join this Institute. If you can give your customer good service. That will make him evangelist. These evangelists create more references. Ultimately, they give more profit and helpful for making a great brand.
Where can we use this Evangelism marketing?
Here there’s a point. You can’t use evangelist marketing. Suppose there was a service about which I can not tell other people that I take that service. It can be anything. Suppose facial. Now being a guy, I won’t tell all the people that I take facial services. What did I do I took a facial from a salon and I loved it? But Can I become his brand advocate? Will I tell other people about it? I won’t. So the evangelism marketing doesn’t work in many cases.
If you can put your brand in a category where people refer you. So as a brand if I want to find evangelist that I need to find those who match the vision of my brand. Suppose I’m selling facial But there is a person who is bold enough to share that he does facial. If I make him my brand advocate. Then he’ll create word-of-mouth. If there is a person who can not inform further. Then don’t make him your evangelist.

Marketing Strategy: 5 Niche Marketing
We have understand many types of strategies in marketing.Let’s talk about Niche marketing. What exactly is niche marketing? We will explain what is niche marketing?
What is Niche marketing?
There are three core concepts in marketing. Segmentation, targeting & positioning. In segmentation, we used to divide all the audience of India into different groups. Now that divided groups, if we target a specific group then it’s called Niche. It means we are marketing with those specific groups.
We are selling our product to that targeted audience who lives in a specific area. They have specific likes and dislikes. They have a specific age group or anything.
Let’s consider, you have a need I am thirsty. How can I fulfill it, that is a want. I can fulfill it by cold drink, water, and juice. These all are marketing. Water marketing, juice marketing, and cold drink marketing. So if you have a brand and its included in that marketing and focuses on a particular group. So we will see some example of marketing strategy.
Example 1
We can see, juice need is high. But how many audiences is health-conscious that has aloe vera and more healthy ingredients? You might have seen concentrated juice like the juice. You drink is basically concentrated liquid with water and our juice is pure. Basically, it’s about targeting a specific audience that is health-conscious. You might have seen aloe vera juice. The Juice audience is quite high and they targeted a specific audience targeting that niche is niche marketing.
Example 2
Let’s forget about juice and take a big product like the bike industry. In the bike industry, there are different companies. If we talk about Harley Davidson.
They make cruise bikes. It’s for a specific audience who likes riding cruiser bikes. They have made a list to target a specific group. Their age group and you will see that in the upcoming time.
When a product is famous, people from outside are also attracted towards.That specific product for an example in the starting, they made Harley Davidson for those people who work from Monday to Saturday. They like riding cruise bikes on Sundays in their leisure time, who like a long drive on the weekend.
Example 3
There are many channels like star, zee. If you see star sports, you will see only cricket nothing else. They are basically targeting a specific audience who only love watching cricket this is niche marketing.
How do I find the niche in my business?
Everything is digital nowadays. So we are trying to collect the data digitally it might not be 100 %. But if our audience is an active internet user. So chances are data is accurate.
So we will search on Google AdWords. We will search that specific niche and analyze the active audience of a particular group to make a business more profitable.
Do you understand how business is profitable? I will build a business its office, the salary of the employees and specific niche I searched on Google AdWords. If I target only 2-3% not just in India. But also globally. If you keep in mind these things, then you can do niche marketing strategy in some time. You can become big.
You might have seen an urban clap. They are providing every service whether its carpenter or anything. But people have started a niche like if you want a photographer, they will provide service for photographers to only people who want a specific service, they will work on that niche you may have got the idea how to target a specific audience for your business.
It’s a Blue Ocean strategy
There are two types of marketing strategies in business. Blue Ocean Strategy and Red Ocean Strategy. That we just need to do business in the blue ocean. Red ocean is hell competition. It will be quite high. It won’t be much profitable. It will be required more investment and hard work. But if we work in the blue ocean, there is no competition and growth rate. It will be high and if you see the aloe vera manufacturers are quite less. If you research that there is not much competition in that here with no competition. It will be easy to grow and you target a specific audience you can grow fast.
So these top 5 types of strategies in marketing. It will be helpful in your business. See you again. I wish you will implement this strategy in your business. I hope you understand these types of strategies in marketing. You also read this kind of atricles.
So please share this knowledge to your friends and family and enjoy the joy of giving and sharing.
I have some questions related to marketing. (Please click on the question for the answer)
- What is marketing? (By Philip Kotler)
- What is marketing in my words?
- What is the evolution of marketing?
- Which are the types of markets (Marketing Markets)
- What is Marketing channel?